Friday, March 6, 2020

Building Relationships in College

How to Make the Most of Networking/Building Relationships in College via 1. Keep a journal of contacts. One of the most disappointing parts of graduating from college is that you forget the names and phone numbers of the people youve met. You lose contact with people who could benefit you later on. While youre in college, keep a contact list or directory of people you want to keep in contact with. Without the basics of contact information, theres no way youll be successful at networking while youre in college. 2. Seek out those who are interested in similar things. If youre struggling with where to start with networking in college, you can brainstorm organizations or individuals who may be interested in the same things you are! If youre in the school of business, you likely have an interest in managing people, dealing with money, and building trusting relationships. Other individuals in business probably have these same interests. You can take a pretty good shot at guessing who might be interested in striking up a conversation with you by simply looking around at whos in your classes. 3. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone. Networking can be difficult for students who are underclassmen. Its almost uncomfortable to attend networking events because its expected that youll make contacts. The most comfortable networking happens organically, but that is hard to come by! Networking events are put on by different organizations and programs at your school in order to get students engaged in relationships with those who are interested in the same things. If youre feeling uncomfortable about networking, know that everyone often starts that way. The more you network, the more natural it will become for you. Practice makes perfect might not exactly apply here, but practice definitely makes you better. 4. Clear your calendar for professional events. You might think your social event is more important that that networking/professional dinner thats happening in your department. However, once youve graduated and youre no longer in your program, these opportunities quickly disappear. Take advantage of these professional events by ensuring your calendar is cleared. Youll appreciate the time you took to attend these events while you were in school. 5. Join professional organizations and clubs that align with your interests and career goals. The more involved you can get with like-minded individuals while youre in school, the better. Its not often that you organically make friends with people who are on your exact career path, so you have to go out of your way to put yourself in situations where you can meet these people. Its important that you prioritize joining these organizations in order to give yourself a shot at meeting people who could potentially be of help to you in the future. 6. Foster relationships with people after the initial meeting. Its not enough to just network with people and exchange business cards. Its very much up to you to follow-up with people. Have coffee, meet for a drink, do something that will require you to build a relationship. The initial meeting isnt enough to make an impression on someone. Remember that the more effort you put into a relationship, the more you get out of it. 7. Connect people you know to each other. One of the best ways to network is to become the person people look to in order to meet people. If you become the person who begins connecting people on campus, youll insert yourself into several different networking groups. 8. Specifically look for networking events on campus. Keep your eye out for networking events that take place on campus. You cant expect to just show up in the right place at the right time. Make sure you clear your calendar and plan ahead. Networking can be scary and intimidating, especially the first few times you do it. But one of the biggest things you can do for yourself while youre in college is build relationships with people who are looking to do what youre interested in. Partnerships that begin in college are sometimes the most successful. Dont sell yourself short! Get out there!

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